I was cruising through Blog world this past weekend and got inspired by this wonderful project:
Contact your Fridge, by
Shoestring Pavilion.
I have a refrigerator that came with the house...that let's just say isn't what I would have picked. It works, so I can't justify buying a new one... So to help 'blend' it into my design scheme, I decided a few months ago to experiment by painting one of the side panels with chalk paint, which turned out fun... It's great for lists, or menus, or my daily motivational sayings..haha.
I purchased some black contact paper from Home Depot, then using a hearth rug as my pattern, I drew a template and began cutting them out.
After getting quite a few pieces cut, I started at the top of the left panel and just 'eyeballed' the placement. If you look closely, you will notice slight differences in size of the borders.... this is where my ADD won over my OCD.... this project is tedious! But so worth it...
Of course looking back at this, it would have been smarter and easier to have contacted the side without the water dispenser. I'm not sure yet if I want to do the whole fridge yet, however I did wrap the pattern around the side of the door. I am really digging the look.